This is a rewrite of a rewrite of a rewrite which is caused by my own stupidity. I accidentally, without thinking, removed my website while cleaning up a lot of stuff on my webserver and my home server using a poorly written script. For this reason you are seeing this website rather than the previous one. I apologize for this but at the same time I also know this happened for a reason, as everything happens for a reason in the universe. Mental note: enable webserver backups!!!
Welcome to this website, as I wrote in the preface above, it is a new website due to my own stupidity. Basically I had my backup script, which added the content to my website as well as make a backup to my server at home. Now, the situation was that while using BASH scripting, one should first look at what one is doing before doing anything at all. In my case I wasn't paying attention at all.. So yeah, a new start.
And with this new start a few changes as well. The first changes I made are written below, but suffice to say it was time to jump ship to HTML5, or HTML Living Standard as it should be called as well as make use of CSS Level 3. Read more about this below.
Moving on from the deprecated XHTML 1.0 Strict[1] version to HTML Living Standard[2] offered me to basically move on to the future and still achieve the exact same things I wanted; a simplistic website based on RFC documents, easy to read and easy to maintain. I will always admit that I love XHTML 1.0 Strict, but it's time to move on and still do the same as before.
Another reason for me, and I've had this thought for a while, was the usage of the PRE tag. While it is valid HTML to show pre-formatted texts using this method, I wanted more than this. I wanted to achieve the same using plain simple HTML and CSS. So I did exactly that and it feels good!
Additional, yet not unimportant, is for me to make the statement that even though I truly loved, and still do, XHTML Strict, I love HTML in general as it can be an art-form upon itself. So moving on to HTML Living Standard is something that is not as surprising to those who know me. In fact I wrote about this possible upgrade in one of my previous blogs.
In this case I also decided to just stop to put boundaries on myself. I moved on to CSS Level 3[3] for the sake of simplicity and yet allowing myself to expand on this website while still adhering to any regulation out there.
XHTML wasn't really agreeable when it came to accessibility for anyone. I wish for my website to be properly readable for EVERYONE rather than only those who can easily browse the internet without having any impairments. ARIA/WAI[4] has offered many solutions to making HTML more accessible for anyone out there. On this website I strife to adhere to being open for ALL people!
So I made the decision to go back to plain simple .html documents. The sheer reason is that while I am somewhat skilled in PHP, I also quickly learned that in order to use PHP, one has to go above and beyond to keep something as simple text content secure. This website simply isn't worth the effort.
So I decided to return to the simple old-school effective document system, which will render my website simpler, smaller and yet as effective as it has always been. I understand the logic some may think of that if I wish to redesign my website, I'd have to go through a LOT of documents. Well, I doubt I will be stepping away from this RFC-like style so there is little that requires change. But if I'd have to, BASH scripting For The Win! ... ... for as long as I don't fuck it up.... ...
Having said all the above, below are changes coming to make my life easier!
First of all No More Text Files! The sheer reason for this is that it was twice the effort for little reward. As I looked through the server statistics, I noticed that I was the only one opening those files and it was something I wanted to step away from for quite a while. Now is the chance to ease up on things.
I have dozens of BASH scripts that I could share but in the end this too was a hassle as I had to write documentations for them and make those show properly on this website. Quite frankly, barely anyone I know actually uses BASH Scripting, they'd prefer to use Python instead, and they are correct in doing so! So these won't return anymore.
The guestbook is done as well. In order to keep things simple and secure, I have decided that as fun as it was, I wouldn't return to PHP any more. So yeah, sorry about that!
Yeah, not much to say about that. I have hundreds of lyrics stored on my home-server and I just couldn't be bothered to turn them into HTML documents. The effort just isn't worth it when there already are so many websites dedicated to lyrics of songs.
I have furthermore decided to return to the beginnings of my simplicity design: It will be a single page index file with links to whatever post I am making rather than making different html documents for each section.
So far I wrote about a LOT of tech stuff regarding HTML, CSS, Fuck Javascript and more. This will continue and I plan to rewrite some documents in the future. But I will also write about a lot of other things I am interested in, real life issues. So expect a lot of variety, and some of it may be seen as being on the edge of what is acceptable.
[1] XHTML 1.0 Strict
[2] HTML Living Standard
[3] CSS Level 3