So, after the website/deletion debacle, let's now talk about what made me stop working on my website in the first place for quite a few months. I had a few cases of what is called 'Hidradenitis'[1]. This basically is a nasty infection and I've been walking around with it for quite a few years. Going to the doctor is for wimps, or so I thought. But in the end I went to the doctor, who immediately sent me to the hospital, dermatology department. They were the ones telling me to stop working and not sit up any more.
In the end I have received 5, yes five, operations in the last six months. Both armpits twice, under my tailbone and the groin, right upper leg that is. They used a method named de-roofing, which means they used an electric scalpel and with this they cut large holes in those affected places in order to completely remove the infections, and then some for bonus. I won't go in too much details but all in all I can say I have been through a lot now and we're, hopefully, nearing the end of it all.
So hopefully my groins and left armpit, which were the last of the bunch, will heal up properly and soon I'll be able to go back to work again.
In regards to mental health, having been at home on this couch has been fun at first as it rejuvenated me going back into hobby-webdesign and in turn led to the RFC-style design I uphold now, which has received some positive remarks until now. But yeah, as the time passed I got more dark and I realized that I was entering a depression again. So I took a break from my website and soon after I received my first operations. This meant I could do even less as I could barely move my arms; the first round of the armpits meant there were large holes in both armpits.
So I got a Nintendo Switch, Zelda Edition, and began playing games again. This helped me through the darkness of being at home all the time. I ended up playing a LOT of No Man's Sky on it[2]. This helped quite a LOT actually, even though the graphics for this game on the Switch kind of sucks. I also began to play some older games again so that was good.
And then there's the social contacts. I kept in touch with my former employee as well as with family and a friend or two. I don't need to tell anyone that this is very important. But I didn't join parties or invited people over because of the infection below the tailbone, which began to hurt a lot, and after that operation, because I couldn't sit down properly anyway.
So all in all it's been a year of hospital visits, operations and having pain but I am getting better now. Let's hope all this crap is over for the rest of my life.