Storin t'Kel 2024-04-18 Taking a break version 0.50 Informative Blog This will be an awkward post. I have decided to take a break from posting content on my website and working on my website. The sheer reason is psychological and quite easy to explain. I've been home for several months due to the infections raging through my body and while that is going better than it did before, I realized that I used this website as a hyper-focus subject, ignoring everything else in order to deal with sitting at home. In other words, I had nothing else to do. That hyper-focus caused me to just look at my website for hours at a time to perfect that which doesn't need perfection and more often than not I broke things that didn't need breaking. And then came my decision yesterday[1] to rewrite the post about "If I started my own .club club"[2] and before I knew it I wrote a 50 kilobyte document that explained more than it should have. I went too deep into the subject and each section became too large with too much details, while it should have been an easier to read document which would be straight to the point: One paragraph and then the questions. This made me stop and turn off my laptop, realizing I went in too deep and realizing I ignored my life as it is now. Medically things are going much better, but mentally I got stuck. So now it is time to address that mental issue by dealing with the fact that the situation as it is now will not change for a while, I am still facing an operation in the, hopefully, near future. I will still stay at home, being able to do little else but to lay on the couch, quite literally actually. So for now I need to get my mind back on track and this means that I will not write posts or work on my website for a while. It's the clarity of life that returned to me yesterday evening. I need not remind anyone reading this that mental health is very important! In the future I will return and this means I will continue writing content for my website. But the subjects will be different. I will write more about my life, less about tech. I will write more about my spiritual life, don't worry I am not a floater or a bible quoter. So until then, I wish you all a great day! - Storin t'Kel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ References [1] [2]